
Friday, September 3, 2010

Adelaide to Cagayan De Oro City 2010

It was a trip that I would be taking to finalise two things, bury my father’s ashes and the celebration of my mother’s 60th birthday. Everything was all fine getting to Sydney, the stupid check in girl wanted to charge us excess luggage as usual.

Arriving at Sydney we rushed to the gate as we didn’t have much time until boarding later to find out that the flight has been delayed. I will never understand how a flight is delayed and you still arrive at your destination on time. If they fly faster why don’t they fly faster all the time? We had a short stopover in Brisbane; I was excited because I haven’t been to the Brisbane airport before. It was funny because Philippine airlines were next to our gate; they were grounded for at least 3 hours due to mechanical problems. We left on time and arrived in Manila 5 minutes early.

Brisbane Airport
Philippine Airlines grounded

We met one of my favourite Aunties, Auntie Bebi Espina at the airport. We proceeded to our hotel Las Palmas. The room was ok; it was really just bigger than the normal rooms. I didn’t like being right next to the road because it was so noisy all night, didn’t get too much sleep.

Auntie Bebi Espina

Flying Manila to Cagayan best experience I can have. Arrived at check in and of course excess luggage. I agreed to upgrade to Business class as long as they don’t charge us, which happened. Malbuhay lounge oh my goodness was the best. Man I wish I could be there every time. They had sandwiches, brownies, salads, drinks and orange juice. Free internet and of course entertainment. Business class on the plane WOW...... Got served a drink straight away, I was the only one in the class so I got attention quickly. Lunch was pasta with salad and a little bit of crumbed chicken. Of course I got a drink; it was Virgin Blue which is just lemonade. When I got off the plane mum was complaining she is hungry “Mum what did you have for lunch” Mum said “Bloody packet of peanuts” I could not help myself laughing so much I made her jealous telling her what I had.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I am just wandering around and came across your profile. I enjoyed reading your blog. I hope you enjoyed your short visit here in Cagayan de Oro.

    Mariel from Cagayan de Oro
